The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2398809
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanitty
27-Jul-08 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
yes, there is another quote...really a good one too.."Now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and faith unfeigned, from which some having swerved, have turned aside, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what the say, nor what they affirm"

also, you keep saying I am 'patronizing' you, being as you use that term,, You handily incorporate an underlying hostility toward men. I assure you, I have no hostility towards men or women at all. Actually have written extensively on men post WW II, have been rather ignorant of the needs, and inner needs of women, and how the 'woman's movement' was a backlash, to that ignorance. But alas, the pendulum swings, which of course it always does, and now there is a backlash to woman's ignorance of men. During the 70's 80's and 90's, there was quite a wave of impressing upon men, the need to understand women and the way they think, and how to communicate to them in a way they both understood, and felt, as if they were being heard. I think most everyone in here can attest to that. You can see it in every aspect of media, music, films during that time. However, during that same time, there was absolutely no counterpart to that, where women learned about men..Now the backlash to that is certainly upon us. I think you'd be utterly surprised where I actually stood, in regard to linking broken marriages back together, by opening those lines of communication between the two, and making it fun and enjoyable for the both of them. For what its worth, men are reluctant, to allow a third party, to counsel them, because of their preconception, of what their going to hear, coupled with having someone come into their marriage, and confidences, that may just 'over rule' him. Once we get started, they love it. Women on the other hand, are the ones who usually come to initiate the counseling...but once they start, have a harder time saying "I'm sorry", for virtually, any wrong ever done, by them. Just a fact. Both have their ways of approaching their respective issues.    OOOOOOOOOHHH, by the way, there really IS a difference in men and women, in they way they both perceive and understand. Being homosexual does NOT bridge that, as well.
I truly wish, that you and some others, could possibly even consider, that when I'm posting, that there is much, and considerable compassion
and empathy, that i have. Have a great day...I'm going fishing.