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Thread #104394   Message #2399281
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
28-Jul-08 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Holy smokes!... Had a quiet day at the lake, with a client(pro bono), then dinner, and off to the studio...Take a break, check out good ol' Mudcat Forum, and see all of this!!..Wow!
First of all, like to thank Joe and Mick for coming in. Being as this is a Forum, that doesn't particularly set the national agenda, it IS a place to be able to speak..would be even hotter, if some of the 'listeners' would actually listen, and consider another point of view, rather than jumping off the handle, and assaulting opposing posts, and posters, peppering them with accusations, based soley on their emotional re-action. I can't be convinced, nor take seriously, any FACTS can back up, the basis for those replies, whether I was the target of them or not. Perhaps, it was the FACTS that were the target, and anyone presenting FACTS was branded as being 'flamebait' 'troll' 'homophobic' 'woman hater' 'Christian looney' etc etc. ..Because fantasy, has become such an intregal part of sex, I can see why such reactors seem so threatened. They 'feel' their personal fantasy is being attacked, and they are going to lose their little toy!..their refuge from reality. So, they lash out in protest, just like a child who has their toy taken away, when s/he doesn't want to...because they have to go to bed, or clean up their room. But take heart, 'It is always the weak, who accuse others, of their own motives'
It's interesting, sitting here from my point of view, that in counseling, whether me or not, that there is a 'tip off' when a patient/client is having problems with certain issues, that there is a 'clue' that psychologists notice during the sessions, that signals him to pursue a line of diagnosis...and it was certainly evident here. (Love to tell you, but it would blow some of your fragile minds, at this point). Ask me later.
Little Hawk, read your posts. Once again you seem to understand clearly, the issues. Intelligence is the ability to process information...the more crap you don't allow in your filters, the more information you can allow in to process! I have a lot more to expound on, in the post you replied to, but again, ask me later..its full of goodies.
Akenaton, ..You got so much 'woman' in you, that, well..its downright
Joy, Took a lot of guts to jump into an anti-Christian issue, and hold forth. Have a little tidbit for you..Remember I posted a link to a song?? Hope you watched it...There is an elderly couple up here, who
I met, who, when I was out of cell phone range, answered their door to me, a stranger, use their land line..On the porch they had their names, which I noticed as Scots/Irish. Being as they were really nice, and warm folks, though apprehensive a little at first, they overcame it, and welcomed me in. Anyway, I had a DVD, and CD of that group...and played her that song, in her CD player...I noticed her eyes swell with tears, and she became actively sobbing, then crying, and said(verbatim) "What are you doing to me?? Look at me..You have no idea what this song is to me, having been married to Ed, for 62 years.. and this says it all..I love him so very much" Perhaps, it was a mixture of jealousy that some people vented at you(?)
Anyway, Peace, Going to go back to the studio but before I go......
"True wisdom starts, when you find someone wiser than you, and listening to that person, the way you want people to listen to you!"