The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2399466
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jul-08 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Funny.."JoyBringer" condemns homosexual orientation..

...which everyday has more & more scientific evidence to support it being a natural occurence determined by genetics....

...using religion & the Christian bible,

....which is entirely a matter of belief & opinion and subject to interpretation and 'cherry-picking' of select passages.

It shows how easy it is for this strange tribe we call 'human' to ignore reason and Gerrymander the data in order to 'support' what we believe based on emotion and culture.

I have been acquainted with many homosexual people in my 50 years as an adult, and most of them have been decent, compassionate people... about the same % as NON-homosexual people I have known.

I do know that NONE of them ever advocated the homosexual lifestyle to me, or condemned MY way of life, as "JoyBringer" is doing against them.

There's a fine line between expressing an opinion under the rule of 'free-speech', and attempting thru 'hate speech' to curtail freedoms of others. Allowing gay marriage would not affect the lives of the non-gay one whit....except in their prejudiced little minds.