The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113071   Message #2399493
Posted By: Kiss Me Slow Slap Me Quick
28-Jul-08 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: Where have the audiences gone?
Subject: RE: Where have the audiences gone?
There are more and more "young" performers BUT these young performers are not bringing in young/new audences in great numbers and they don't allways appeal to the (older?) or should that be more established audence. Bring out the old hands, with the experience and know how, and worthwhile material not just gleaned and coppied from the last CD they have heard, and stage craft not just based on short skirts and giggling and the audence will be there.

Oh, and it would also help if folk music promoters stoped trying to compete with the Masonic Order in trying to become the most secretive of secret societies.