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Thread #113010   Message #2399767
Posted By: Teribus
28-Jul-08 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
Subject: RE: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
WLD - Exactly as I ended my last post - That well worn "socialist" mantra of "the left" - It's everybody else's fault except my own, somebody else should have done something about it.

As for Guest Shimrod, if he was stupid enough to vent here in a public forum as he did then he should expect to receive comments both supporting and condemning whatever he says - respect does not enter into it, especially in a post that calls down ill on those whose only apparent crime is to have done their jobs and attracted the venom of someone who does not have the guts to state the case against them.

It took him 38 years to find out he disliked his job - that would amount to a damn slow learning curve by anyone's standards.

No-one is owed a life, if a person adjudges things to be wrong with their lives it is up to them to change things. But there again asking a "socialist" to adopt any measure of personal responsibility is a complete and utter anathema and an utterly pointless exercise - Somebody else has to do it, with "Government money" of course.

"And while this was going on sytematic ways of doing things, knowledge, skills and craftmanship were gradually phased out and replaced by brute-force-and-ignorance, bullshit and lots and lots of arm-waving. No wonder the world economy is going down the tubes!" - Guest Shimrod - ill-informed "Luddite" Crap.

As for me Guest Shimrod, rest assured that I have absolutely no "paranoid fantasies about you" at all. And for the record, I do not so much "support the status quo" as tilt at the usual ill-constructed, illogical, left-wing, lies, half-truths, misrepresentations and myths that get trotted out time after time for the blind acceptance of fools such as yourself.