The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22181   Message #239979
Posted By: Sandy Paton
08-Jun-00 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Night of the Johnstown Flood
Subject: Lyr Add: THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD (Mack Moody)^^
as sung by Mack Moody, Huntington, Vermont, 1963

'Twas on a balmy day in May, and the sun shone far away,
And the birds were sweetly singing in the skies above.
There a city stood serene in a valley both rich and green,
Where thousands dwelt in happiness and love.

Now the scenes are changed, just like up on the range,
And the flood came rushing through that quiet town.
The wind it raved and shrieked, thunder rolled and the lightning streaked,
And the rain it poured an awful torrent down.

A cry of distress rose from east to the west;
Our dear old country now is plunged for woe.
Many people were burnt and drowned in the city of Johnstown,
And were lost in the great overflow.

Now, like a Paul Revere of old, came a rider both brave and bold,
On a big bay horse he's flyin' like a deer,
Giving warning shrills, "Quickly! Fly up to the hills!"
But the people smiled and showed no signs of fear.

Ears they were turned away. Both the rider and his bay,
And the many thousand lives he tried to save,
They had no time to spare, or to offer up a prayer,
But were hurled at once into a watery grave.

(Repeat third verse)

Included on Brave Boys, New England Traditions in Folk Music, New World Records CD; collected and edited by Sandy Paton. ^^