The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2400103
Posted By: Barry Finn
29-Jul-08 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
To the subject of fear in children of gay men or of men or of anybody because of their sexual affiliation.
My daughter & son never should any of these types of fears that being discussed but then our backyard was boarded by a gay couple (men) who (one still lives here) over the past 20 yrs has been one of our best neighbors & the kids have know about their sexuality from the start. They have been close neighbors & have taken an active role in the kds lives as any long time neighbor would & could. They have also know that their Aunt is gay & has lived with the same woman since my wife & I met. So their realitionship is as old as our & we've been married 21 yrs. Our kids 2 Aunts have also raised a daughter whose getting married (to a man) next month. My Neice is a joy to both my wife, me & our kids. I've watched her grow into one of the best young adults I know, I'm so proud of her. She loves both the women who rasied her, she's very happy with herself & life & she brings that joy & happiness to whose ever around her & I'm so proud of my 2 sister-in-laws & the job they did raising her. They are/were better parents to their child than most "God Fearing" parents I've ever met. That's probably another reason why my kids grew up with out any of this "fear" I'm reading about here. I's also a fear that as a male I've never encountered (oreven heard about) as a youngster but in my neighborhood people were open about everyone's news & laundry. It was a poor area & we had all typs, bank robbers, junkies, hard workers, some church goes others came from hell but there was no fear. I feared no one except my on peers & we fought like cats & dogs. I can't remember any kid being hurt, black, white or Latino, by an adult. We did have the Cathloic Church & later in life I found out that some of my childhood friends were approched but nothing came of it, as I said it was a tough neighborhood & those approched had no problem iding what was happening & telling the priests to "fuck off" or they'd be getting a call from some of the fathers. So maybe exposure to the real side of life from an eary start & an exceptance of these facts IN life help in more ways than are credited.

Now from one who I consider a righteous man. Me.
I don't care how anyone performs their sex 2 men, 2 women or one of each on each other. I don't care what they use on each other, if it works for them "God Bless 'em". There are to many people in this world that aren't blessed with enjoying their own bodies & to many that can't enjoy the bodies of others. So if they find some ways that work for them, weither you or I like it or not, they should do just as they please (they are consenting adults after all), I shouldn't care cause I shouldn't be watching & neither should you! It shouldn't matter if you find it disgusting or not, it shouldn't matter if your Rabbi or Deacon likes to do it that way or if it disgustes them,mit should only matter if you'd like to try it & then that's no one's business either.

If the laws in Calif. stay on the books I'll be very happy cause I'll be planning to be at my sisters-in-laws wedding, they just said that they'll be getting married if it does. Just think of it they've been together over 20 yrs & have raised a great child into adulthood (she'll be thrilled). They'll be able to feel as if they are equals in all eyes, to my wife & I. "As a married couple". Damn, as humans they deserve that, it's only civil that they do.
