The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2400118
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
29-Jul-08 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
I make so secret that I find the thought of two men cuddling up in bed and then entering eachother enough to make me want to vomit. It is sick, unnatural and disgraceful.

It might be argued that all human sexuality is unnatural by default, given that reproduction is merely the random by-product of sexual intercourse and rarely, if ever, the actual objective of the act itself, which is more to do with the passionate impulses by which the genital mechanisms are at their most effective, and indeed, persuasive.

They say the clitoris is the only organ of the human body designed solely for pleasure. Well, pleasure is but part of the persuasion, by which means we are coerced into an act which may, or may not, result in procreation. Having established the causal link between sexual intercourse and pregnancy, the next thing we did was think about contraception, which takes its place as an essential aspect of most hetero-sexual behaviour despite it being entirely unnatural thus confirming the simple fact that human beings have sexual intercourse for reasons other than procreation.

Procreation is an occult biological process over which, once instigated, we have no actual control other than termination. It follows, therefore, that the only thing that makes sexual intercourse somehow natural is the procreative aspect which, given the amount of times people fuck without issue, is a barely negligible aspect of human sexuality, the actual naturalness of which is the capacity for orgasm in a heightened state of arousal consequential on the presence of another person similarly, and mutually, aroused.

The fact that this can and does happen in same-sex relationships is a fair indication of it's persuasive potency & the limitless enrichments by which we might experience same. Another indication is the location of the male G-spot, which is hardly positioned with respect to any sort of procreative procedure. If Christians really do believe that we were created in the image of God, then God put that pleasure spot up our asses for a reason - because he's got one too? If we go with evolution, then we must realise that biological naturalness is only given meaning by the cultural & cognitive unnaturalness that is all human culture. Biologically we are animals; cognitively however we are something else entirely, thus might we consider the alternatives and reep the rewards.

As for homosexuality in animals, here's what Wiki has to say: