The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113065   Message #2400142
Posted By: Andrez
29-Jul-08 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: The state of the 'cat
Subject: RE: The state of the 'cat
Just a random observation and quite off thread but here goes: the US has never needed bases in Australia to be in deep shit. Think about it, the only country ever to drop a nucleqr weapon on a human population and ever since then pretending to be the worlds nuclear cop!

On the other hand everyone gets something different from the 'cat and thats how it should be. The thread about Mick and the loss in his family and the response from friends and strangers as well as Mick (god bless yer) himself, plus the feelings and tears that the thread evoked in me, shows more clearly than any theorising that there is something very special at the core of this community. Its called a heart.............. which of course Neddy, is the source of all musical expression. Anything else that can be found on the 'cat is just a sheer bloody bonus.

