And repeats the behavior, and leaps anyway? How does that reassure you?
Obama's stated policy positions on the war between Israel and the Palestinians is abysmal, as his trip to the Middle East proved beyond a doubt.
His stated policy positions on the so-called 'war on terror' is to move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, not remove them from the area and bring them home. So that will be a continuation of the imperial wars in the Middle East, where the US invaded two coutries without being attacked by either.
And before any one says that Bin Laden was operating from Afhanistan, let it be known he was also operating from Pakistan--one of our great nuclear allies in the region--and no sanctions have ever been placed on Pakistan, much less military action taken to pursue Al Qaida there.
The biggest, most dangerous unknown quantity right now is what Obama will do regarding Iran. Here too, the US imperial covert wars never get mentioned--the Iran-Iraq war, the propping up of the Shah with our CIA operations, etc.
No, neither McCain or Obama will change the direction of US foreign policy, and anyone who believes one or the other of them will has their head buried in the sand.