The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2400376
Posted By: Amos
29-Jul-08 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Sedayne speaketh with great wisdom. BoJ, your heart, it seems, is quite curdled with your disgust and hatred and inflamed with fire against perverts and filth.

But it might do you some good to examine why it is your heart keeps bringing up these things to resist so mightily.

You interject these fiery labels -- filth and perversity serem to be your favorites -- into a question of civil rights. Despite the evidence that affinity for the same sex is a biological, not a psychosomatic syndrome, you feel it is sufficient grounds to deny the equal civil rights under the law tot hose afflicted with it.

Is there any important way inwhich you are different, on this issue, from a tobacco-spitting gumless inflamed, racist Klan-supporting red-necked bigot? The similarities are quite striking: you both spew undifferentiated hatred toward a group that is different in minor biological details from your own. You both base a great deal of rancour and venom on unreason and fear, and justify your hatred with invective rather than particular facts of the matter. And you both seem to feel justified in passing righteous condemnation down onto the heads of your fellow humans. You both act with great disgust in the face of God's own creation and the natural variety of life displayed before you, as though you were particularly at odds with both God and nature.

What is it that drives you to these extremes?