The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2400503
Posted By: Don Firth
29-Jul-08 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Well, having read the latest posts, I see that this thread is in good hands. Sedayne, Little Hawk, and Amos have spoken a great deal of reason, as have a few others.

Joy Bringer,

Like Little Hawk, I get highly irritated by television commercials. This is why I regard the "Mute" button on my television's remote control one of the truly great inventions of Mankind. I use the "Mute" button, and avoid the aggravation. Perhaps you need a "Mute" button on a number of the aspects of Life.

You seem obsessed with the anatomical details of anal intercourse and apparently take a fierce pleasure in describing them in some detail, then telling us how "sickening" and "disgusting" you find them. But a perusal of a book entitled The Joy of Gay Sex will reveal that your imagined repertoire of what gays get up to is grossly limited.

The annual Gay Pride Parade passes a few blocks from where I live. I watched it once, and for the most part, it was just a parade. I found a few features somewhat bizarre, such as "Dykes on Bikes" with their fleet of rumbling Harleys (but it was mainly their manner of dress—or lack thereof:   creatively designed leathers), and a fair number of cross-dressers who had a most imaginative sense of fashion. But I got the idea, and once was enough.

I was not "disgusted" by the parade. If anything, I was amused by much of it. But—I was also aware that this was an attempt by the gay community in this area to call attention to the civil rights issue. And when the Mayor and the Police Chief—neither of whom are gay—participated in the parade, this went a long way toward adding pressure on legislators to grant those civil rights.

I am happily married—to a marvelous woman—and I have no interest whatsoever in any kind of sexual relationship with another male. I don't find it the idea "disgusting" or "sickening." I do find the idea distasteful, but not for "sanitary" or "health" reasons. It is simply that I am not interested.

Joy Bringer, you have not answered two questions I have asked you repeatedly, so I will ask them yet again:
In what way does the marriage of Paul and Philip have any effect whatsoever on Barbara's and my marriage?


If gays spread disease as you say they do, would it not be better to encourage them to form committed, monogamous relationships?
I would like answers to these questions, if you, indeed, have answers.

Don Firth