The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2400666
Posted By: GUEST,Joy Bringer
29-Jul-08 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Don. You require answers to the following questions.
"In what way does the marriage of Paul and Philip have any effect whatsoever on Barbara's and my marriage?"

Don it doesn't have any effect on your marriage. It has an effect on the fabric of society. If you wish to turn away and say, "I'm alright Jack sod off and leave every waif and stray to do what they want unchallenged" that is fine, just don't moan when your kids or grand kids lose all respect for everything you and your parents before you held dear.

Don, we watch as drugs become acceptable in society, which is wrong.We see a younger generation with no work ethic. I grew up in a family environment were my father worked hard for every penny he had. No laying in bed until 12noon and leech off the social services which has also become acceptable as a profession these days. My mother cared for four children, we wanted for nothing. She taught music and worked in the evenings when my father returned home. We went to church every Sunday and we lived a clean life.

The denim jacket brigade came of age and took seats in government, it was the beginning of the end.

Your second question, "If gays spread disease as you say they do, would it not be better to encourage them to form committed, monogamous relationships?"

Don, If you think condoning a unity of two perv's will stop or slow down the spread of Aids that is your view and your entitled to it.

Sorry but nothing or no reason could ever see me condone two adult males having sex. This is vile perverted evil act. I have two Tom cats and they won't even do it. I am sorry if you don't share me views, but I will not change my opinion. I so wish it would go away, dirty semen seems to be doing natures work.