The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113059   Message #2400821
Posted By: GUEST,DV
29-Jul-08 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fawning Germans
Subject: RE: BS: Fawning Germans
Fascinating how those anthropological accounts give either European or Australian origins to native peoples of the Americas.

Except, I don't think so.

If we want to go back as far as the origins go, there is no evidence except either China or Africa.

Pick yer poison.

That said, to claim the indigenous peoples of the Americas are indigenous is just pure racism, IMO.

Sorry to throw that gauntlet, but your cultural arguments about natives in the Americas has a very EurAm anthro bullshit ring to it.

Please remember, anthropology is a *social* (not hard) science of the imperial colonizers, and they make "theoretical" claims that cannot be substantiated, but that put their cultures on top and in charge of the rest of the world. Meaning no one is "native" but them.