The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113071   Message #2400848
Posted By: Nick
29-Jul-08 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Where have the audiences gone?
Subject: RE: Where have the audiences gone?
Well we must be in a strange position where I am. We do no publicity to speak of apart from word of mouth; are in a pub that is not particularly beautiful or quaint or anything; and meet weekly.

Last week was a particularly good evening though by no means the best attended ever. 21 singers and musicians; 35+ people; 3 and a half hours of solid music ranging from choruses to unaccompanied song to a particularly impressive young band (Magic P and the Innuendoes who I'd recommend highly to anyone) with an average age of about 22 I would guess, to ensemble things like Willow Tree (the impromptu arrangement unashamedly nicked from Eliza Carthy) with three guitars, three fiddles, electric bass, two concertinas and a trumpet player and a lot of chorus singing.

With holidays we'll probably get quieter but people know it is on every week and people come when it suits them knowing that there will be people there as is mentioned elsewhere on the thread. We have a large enough hardcore of people and a larger number of occasional visitors who come from anything up to fifty miles away that there is nearly always a good crowd. If there isn't who cares - we'll have a sing and share a tune with whoever is there.

It is inclusive and manages to balance (hopefully) the needs of the faction who love playing tunes and the singers.