The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2400889
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Jul-08 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Well, yes, I have received the usual number of self-righteous messages demanding that I close this thread, castigating me and Mudcat for allowing such horrible things to be posted.

And no, I have no intention of closing this thread, although I will try to keep the personal attacks under control and I ask participants to stick to the issue, not the personalies.

This is a very controversial subject. If it is to be discussed at all fairly, there will be opinions expressed that one side or the other will not want to hear. I tend to agree with the liberal side of the argument, but it is important to understand that a large part of the world does not agree with the liberal ideology on this issue and considers homosexuality to be an abomination and homosexual marriage to be even worse. Most third-world countries have no understanding of homosexuality at all, and very little tolerance for it. I live in a very wealthy, Republican county in California, and opinions here about homosexuality are about as tolerant as those of my friend from Rwanda (who is a very gentle and tolerant person who just can't understand homosexuality).

I ask the question again - how can I get my conservative friends to accept homosexual marriage, so they don't vote it into oblivion in November? I don't think I'm going to be able to do it by beating them on the head with a stick. If I want them to be tolerant, then I'm going to have to listen to them with tolerance and understanding, and then convince them with logic and compassion.

And if they vote the wrong way, THEN beat them on the head with a stick.....
