The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2401875
Posted By: heric
30-Jul-08 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
It was simple. All he had to do was be Grandpa - witty, kind, still of sound mind and naturally possessing strong old fashioned values seasoned by time and experience, of which he had bucketloads. Mostly time, but the POW thing was condensed, supernova experience.

The details of how to pass specific legislation in accordance with latest academic economic or whatever theory are not expected of him. Carter was a detail man. Presidents don't pass legislation, he needed to show he could guide the Executive in stability and honor. That's ALL!!

Well, okay, he had to do one more thing and that was assure that he was no shrub. Easy! Shrub was single-minded. McCain has bi-partisanship Credentials for which he has paid politically, more than once. He could cheerfully hold those up next to Obama, who uses the word like sweet coated candy.

Instead, he was persuaded to suck up to the social conservatives that put Bush in place. Duh - what were they going to do, vote for Obama? He squandered his bipartisan accomplishments in doing so. Maybe he thought he needed it for the money, but for heaven's sake, all he had to do was say no onerous tax raises on the rich and the system feeds itself. (Obama won't rule out 12% FICA on the rich, pushing some of them into more than 50% marginal tax rate.)

He could have done this so easily if he were competent. The Middle was ready to trust him in favor of an unknown. But he caters to the conservative base as if he doesn't understand how the Left and the Middle are sick to death of them.

And now he lets dweebs swift-boat Obama on his behalf, with issues that exercise the hayseeds: Obama dissed wounded soldiers!

The incompetence is staggering. He has the hayseed vote no matter what, and he needs the Middle.