The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113145   Message #2402616
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
31-Jul-08 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Subject: RE: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Divorce settlements may be part of a court proceeding, in which case some details become public, but many are uncontested private agreements that remain confidential. I admit that I have no firm data, only statements by friends who were in Hawaii at the time.

From what I know of remuneration at his level, Soetoro's income from Shell would have been high for services liasing with Pertamina, whose assets Shell once owned, in addition to his direct recompense from the state-owned Indonesian company, but it would have been considerable. Soetoro presented its face at international meetings.

There is a lot of garbage on the net concerning Obama's religious training. Soetoro was something of a free-thinker, and loved the animistic stories of his homeland, which he would tell to Barack and anyone who was interested in the old tales. As a pupil in Indonesia, Barack would be registered as Muslim, the religion of his (step)father, but at the private schools he attended, pupils of Christian parentage and others were also enrolled, and religion was not a dominant subject, as it might be at madrassa-type schools.
Assertions that Soetoro was a rabid Muslim and Obama was Muslim are gross distortions.

Looking back at the Punahou endowed scholarship fund, the list appears to be donors, not recipients- sorry for the error. I can find no accurate data on scholarship recipients.