The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113145   Message #2402739
Posted By: Bobert
31-Jul-08 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Subject: RE: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Actually, GUEST,DV, the Obama camp is doing a great job with the general cmapaign... Don't get bogged down with polls and ads and fluff... Campaigns are won at the grassroots level and you can take it to the bank that Obama is out organizing McCain in states where Repubs haven't had to work...

Might of fact, I have just gotten home from an Obama organizational meeting in Page County, Va. where the Dems generally just roll over... But Obama has a paid staffer assigned to this county... This ain't never happened and its happening in rural counties all accross the country...

So, believe it or not, Obama is doing just fine... Same stuff that won Iowa is being duplicated everywhere... McCain is hoping that he can beat down Obama with negative ads but he ain't spending the money in the rural precincts and this is gonna cost McCain big time... Yeah, Obama won't carry Page County but if we get 40% and other rural Virginia counties get 40% then Richmond and Northern Virginia will take Obama over the top...

Same with a lot of former red states...

And we also have Howard Dean to thank for the 50 state strategy that was so successfull in '06...

And all this from a Greenie for Obama...
