The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111146   Message #2402823
Posted By: Barry Finn
01-Aug-08 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
It might make difference to those going to catch their favorite performer rather tha wade through the wholee list only to find out the 2 or 3 that they are really coming to catch aren't on till late in the day. For example, I see Feadan perform almost every Tuesday evening, he & his are really good but I may not want to arrive at 10:00 am to hear them when I can get an hour's more sleep or 2 hrs depending on who on after them. Of course I'd be passing up breakfast & Mom always made me sing for my sup, so when's breakfast & where do I get in line.
I know when I perform (at 3:20) but I don't know when Feadan performs & I may ask him for back up with his pipes but I'm not gonna ask him to hang out till 3:20 on my account.
That's a pretty reasonable request espically for performers, if all performers know when they're on then the list & times are available, I think it is to every ones benifit so they can pick & chose, espically when some are coming from so far away.

