The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113010   Message #2402961
Posted By: akenaton
01-Aug-08 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
Subject: RE: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
My God Teribus, I've really got you on toast in this one.
"What am I whinging about?"......Take your pick, but Scottish Independence will do for a start.....Or the imminent break-up of your own little Roman Empire,the UK.

"Spite infested custard" old joke, but didn't it used to be "Shark infested custard"....Your jokes, like your political ideology, are becoming a bit dated.

I know I've got you on toast when you start making personal attacks instead of addressing the subject under discussion, but you don't want to discuss what is happening in Scotland do you Teribus, where, as your friend Doug would say, "the sky is falling"

Aye but this time the sky really is falling.... for you and your kind.
The great United Kingdom will no longer be a power of use to the people who run American foreign policy.

You gloated as the Soviet Union disintegrated, have you the grace to wish Scotland well, as your own "Empire of Evil" goes down the tube?

As you are so fond of saying "I think not"

I don't care about hydrocarbons or the money we can make destroying the planet. We can easily be self sufficient in energy without using nuclear power or increasing the flow of oil.
Adding to our existing Hydro schemes and making careful use of wave and offshore wind we can be in a position to export energy relatively soon.
I dont believe there is one unbiased commentator left who does not believe that we can be a financially viable country.

There are also all the social and health problems endemic to Scotland, which have been largly ignored by successive UK governments, and now need to be addressed by an administration who really care for the long suffering Scots.

This movement has nothing to do with Left or Right wing, that battle will come later, right now what the Scots are increasingly seeking, is self respect, self belief and a wish to assume their rightful place in this equals with all other nationalities, not cannon fodder or ghettoised, benefit ridden failures, kept in subserviance by each succeeding corrupt Westminster regime.

In the seventies, I was one of those who fell for the lie hook line and sinker......."Vote Labour for Socialism....Not the Tartan Tories".

What a lie that proved to be!...Labour moved steadily "right", away from Socialism and the Independence movement lost its momentum.

We wont believe that lie again...Blair/ Brown and New Labour have proved the lie.
This time its "Independence First" as it should have been in the seventies, then we can build the kind of society we want without the interference of foreign wars or the use of religious sectarianism (as in Northern Ireland) to cloud the issue.

You are toast Teribus!! and like it or not emotion sways more voters (and folkies) than all your phoney facts and figures....Ake