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Thread #109055   Message #2403372
Posted By: Amos
01-Aug-08 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
"In a video message to donors this evening, Barack Obama's campaign manager said they are responding in an inspiring way to John McCain "taking his campaign into the gutter."

David Plouffe said 200,000 people have given Obama money in the last week -- including 100,000 just on Thursday, with one- third of them new contributors.

McCain's string of attacks have shown that he does not want to talk about the issues, Plouffe said.

While McCain wants to make the campaign about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, "you want to make it about our future," Plouffe told donors in the message.

"I think John McCain has harmed himself in the last week," Plouffe added.

*"I think John McCain has harmed himself in the last week," Plouffe added. *
I couldn't agree more with Mr. Plouffe. I am an independent voter and I was shocked to see how low the McCain camp has sunk. The McCain we have been seeing in this campaign is a far cry from the one who years ago garnered some respect from voters of all stripes. I think he is desperate -- he just doesn't compare well to someone with the character, intelligence, and credentials of Barack Obama.
Posted by Margo August 1, 08 07:39 PM

Your article is totally correct. I gave once to Obama, and now I am giving again. I don't give a lot, only $50 at a time, its all I can afford. But every time I hear one of McCain's ugly, twisted ads, I scrape up some more money and give it to Obama. I ask my friends to do the same, and they are. The final straw that moved me to go beyond my own giving and ask others to contribute was the ad that showed Obama with two white women. It was so obviously designed to push racist hot buttons it made me sick. John McCain, I used to think you were an honorable man, now you are willing to prostitute yourself and your values to become president. Oddly enough, I don't want a prostitute for president."