The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113145   Message #2403590
Posted By: GUEST,DV
02-Aug-08 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Subject: RE: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
So what is happening is this. As Obama becomes more "electable" he also becomes more corrupted by the process itself.

Following this logic, that means that by the time Obama is actually elected in November, he and his political positions will become unrecognizable to those who leapt on his bandwagon in the last year, and certainly who voted for him in the primaries.

Because only a candidate who can be corrupted can be elected, Obama will be yet another opportunist politician who sold himself out in order to become the corrupt president-elect.

And this scenario is an improvement over Bush/Cheney how, exactly?