The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102225   Message #2403603
Posted By: Stephen R.
02-Aug-08 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: camp song about home in tyrol
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: camp song about home in tyrol
Persistence pays off sometimes. Here are the lyrics, from two on-line camp songbooks:

Uchoose Songs for Scouts 2006, Lyrics compiled by Juliettes of Michigan City, Indiana, Singing Sands Council, p. 629.

The herdsman is merry, he sings all day long
He seeketh his flock as he chanteth this song

Chorus:         Holea, hole-e-e-e-e-a
                Holea, hole-e-e-e-a
                Holea, hole-e-e-e-a
                Holea, hole-e-a

In the morning he is milking on the hillside till noon
But at evening Belle calls him, "Come Hans!" "Coming soon."


In Tyrol lies my treasure, and my heart's desire
Our house and our spinning wheel, and ourselves by the fire


*        *        *        *        *        *        *        *        

Camp Stawderman Song Book
P. 21

The Herdsman is merry, he sings all day long
He feedeth his flock as he singeth this song—

        O La Ya, O la-a-a-a-aya
       O La Ya, O la-a-a-a-aya
       O La Ya, O la-a-a-a-aya

In the morning he is milking on the hillside 'till noon,
In the evening Belle calls him, "Come Hans," "Coming soon."

*        *        *        *        *        *        *        *

There are the minor differences one expects in oral-traditional songs, and the yodeling chorus is not exactly as I remmembered it, but close enough.

The question remains whether this is a translation of a German-language original. So far no one on this list has identified such an original, but all I remembered was the third stanza (which is omitted in the Strawderman text above). Perhaps with a fuller text someone will recognize it.
