The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113145   Message #2403618
Posted By: GUEST,DV
02-Aug-08 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Subject: RE: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Obama flip flops list that puts him on this same page as McCain/Bush:


Offshore drilling

Iraq/Afghanistan/war on terror


Gun control

Capital punishment

Gay rights

As Amy Goodman said recently when asked by a Newsweek journo if Obama was a sell out:

"It may be the strategy of the Obama campaign to run to the middle, to attract the independents, the undecided. But he should look carefully at the lessons of the 2004 Kerry campaign. John Kerry made similar calculations, not wanting to appear weak on the war in Iraq. Uninspired, people stayed home. There are millions who care about the issues from which Obama is distancing himself"

Indeed. I was one of those who sat out the last election.