The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113217   Message #2403674
Posted By: gnu
02-Aug-08 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: I just LOVE hummers!
Subject: BS: I just LOVE hummers!
And they like ZZ Top! and old Irish Trad songs...

Yesterday afternoon, after I watered the baskets of mostly mini-petunias hung on the eave of the garage and the potted flowers along the edge of the patio, I sat on Mum's patio double glider-rocker. It's about 2.5m from the post upon which are hung two Hummingbird feeders. I lit a smoke and relaxed after a long and gruelling week.

After about ten minutes, I began to whistle a ZZ Top tune named "Girl In A Tee Shirt" or sommat like that. Buddy, the Ruby Throated Hummingbird that is lord and master of the apple tree next to the post... well, of the whole backyard, really... zoomed out of the tree and perched on the clothesline about 2m from me and was enraptured (or pissed, perhaps). I kept whistling. He chirped and chirped. I imagined that he did so because he couldn't clap (or didn't have anything to throw at me).

Unfortunately, the concert was abruptly interrupted when another male Hbird swooped down and started to feed at one of the feeders. Now, if you have never seen these guys scrap, no written description can do any justice to the amazing display of aerial acrobatics. Imagine a couple of 50mm tall helicopters that can go from hovering face to face 1m apart to a km per sec in a tenth of a second.

When the intruder had enough with having the boots put to him, Buddy had a long and well deserved suck on the feeder, which dispenses a mixture of white granulated sugar and water, and alit just within the apple tree to prune his dishevelled feathers. And, I began to sing, softly, The Parting Glass. We put Bro's ashes in the ground yesterday and my cousin and I sang one verse of that song before the covering. So, it was in my head. Well, sir, buddy was right back on the wire… best audience I ever had! Heeheheheheeee!

I watched him, the wife and two younguns flit around for an hour… with me singing and whistling all the while. I just LOVE Hummers!

PLEASE tell me about Hummers you have enjoyed.