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Thread #113145   Message #2403675
Posted By: GUEST,DV
02-Aug-08 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Subject: RE: BS: McCain... Another lieing president???
Nope, sorry that tack won't work for me. Obama isn't doing a damn thing to change the game. Let me give you one glaring example of that: his flip flop decision not to take public financing.

Nothing changes when the system, the process AND the candidates are corrupt.


In a matter of months, Rove/Bush/Cheney will be completely out of the picture, regardless of whether we have a President Obama or a President McCain.

I don't have to enable the corruption to do my duty as a citizen. In fact, under these circumstances, I'm beginning to think the most patriotic thing to do is not vote, to protest the complete, utter corruption of it all.

It is a tricky road ANY presidential candidate walks, and you are simply playing the apologist game here in an effort to do damage control.

Obama is his own worst enemy, not Rove/Bush/Cheney/McCain.

He has gone beyond even what Kerry did to pander and sell out in 2004. At least Kerry didn't sell out on public financing.