The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113227   Message #2404093
Posted By: WyoWoman
02-Aug-08 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
Subject: RE: So I am back ...Skarpi Iceland
Welcome back, Skarpi. SOmetimes the blues land on me like an elephant jumping out of a tree. I never know where they come from, just one day, whammo, I'm so dark and down I can barely get myself out of my house.

Music helps, friends help. Exercise helps a lot, and also I take an herbal concoction that helps brighten my mood. It also helps to figure out who I'm angry with and take actions appropriate to deal with the situation that's making me mad, rather than bottle it up where it turns toxic to my spirit.

And sometimes, we just have to wait for the sun to come out. I haven't been here for a while, so I don't know if some life trauma occurred that put you in this bleak place, but having come out of one of my life's darkest years recently, I know that the wheel can turn 'round again and bring us back to a more cheery place. I hope that's what's happening with you.

All the best,