The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111146   Message #2404280
Posted By: kendall
03-Aug-08 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
It just goes to show that the old saying, "Most of the things you worry about never happen" is true.
Jacqui and Mary did a bang up job of pulling this off, and I'm glad I was able to be a small part of it. Someone whom I respect a great deal said that the poem I did made his day. The Loch Arcre by John Masefield is one of my favorite poems, and I always have a hard time getting through it.
I was very impressed with Dave Coffin and his daughter, Lenea (not sure of spelling). I'd never seen either of them perform before so it was a very pleasant surprise.