The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113010   Message #2404709
Posted By: Teribus
04-Aug-08 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
Subject: RE: BS: Glasgow earthquake!
So Akenaton:

"They are in the process of regaining their self-respect and self-belief by removing the stain of Unionism."

Accomplishing this how exactly Akenaton? With 4 in 5 of the electorate of Scotland against you, how do you go about "removing the stain of Unionism"?

"Ever heard of "The parcel of rogues" Teribus? Half-hearted Scots like you who would sell their country language and culture for thirty pieces of silver!"

Ever heard of it? I know it and sing it on occasion. More important, Akenaton, do you know what it is about? Unlike you I do not regard songs as history, they are indicators to any particularly period in history provided that they were written at the time, i.e. were contemporary. In 1707 the situation in Scotland was dire, and those who ruled Scotland at that time basically had very little choice. What was "the language" that was sold for thirty pieces of silver Akenaton? What was "the culture" that was stripped from the country?

"The community of small nations, equal and free, with no wars to make and no other countries to exploit." – Is called what Akenaton? When was this organization formed? How many members has this "community of small nations"? My guess is that no such "community of small nations" exists outside that addled brain of yours.

"Ah Teribus, but I don't suppose you ever wanted for much"

And your grounds for stating that are the same as much of what you state – absolute ignorance – you know little or nothing about me, as you say supposition, and you would suppose wrong.

As to being, "forced to live among the drug addicts, the mentally ill, the child molesters, with no role models but the drug barons and gang bosses.

I know East Glasgow well, and large areas are just like that."

Oh Akenaton, is that the same East Glasgow of the "Red Clydesiders" that you have banged on about and held out to be such shining examples in the past? Is that the same East Glasgow that has solidly voted for "socialist" Labour politicians at all levels of Government since the formation of the Party? Is that the East Glasgow that forms part of Glasgow which likewise has been controlled and Governed by "socialist" Labour administrations since the formation of the Party? Are you saying that all that "local" Government was powerless?? That it never had any budgetary control? That it could not direct how and where money was spent? Oh sorry I forgot – "socialism" – It is always somebody else's fault.

Now you rather disingenuously indicate that my response to the problem areas you mention amount to - its "tough shit" and it's definitely "their problem" – placing the relevant descriptions in inverted commas as though you are quoting me. Well Akenaton don't put words in my mouth and do not ever attempt to ascribe to me opinions that are not my own. For those interested to find where these supposed quotes of mine came from and their proper context here they are:

""subserviance"?? As a Scot I have never felt subservient to anyone or anything on this planet. If you do, tough shit, your problem." – Teribus, 01 Aug 08 - 09:57 AM. Nothing whatsoever to do with the context you slipped it into was it Akenaton, and I said "your problem" not "their problem" as you deliberately incorrectly "quoted". Don't worry Akenaton telling lies is not something a "socialist" and anarchist should worry about. They have done so much of it, particularly to their own "followers", that they now no longer know what truth, honesty, or integrity is.

The "Stinking sink estates" you speak of where first created by your "socialist" Labour Councils and first conveniently forgotten by the local government the electorate of Glasgow voted into power time after time after time.

So "Three generations of people living in such circumstances become dispirited and subservient. Scottish nationalism can give these people some hope that their lives can be improved....self-respect and self-belief!!" Care to tell us why and how? Will self-help and assumption of personal responsibility enter into this process, or will it be the same old line of bullshit as before? Delivered by the same corrupt, self-seeking, power-hungry leaches as before, only this time round they'll be wearing different coloured rosettes. Only thing wrong with that delivery is that if it couldn't be done before, why should things be different now?   

"Compared to these people Teribus you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth...a career in the Royal Navy and a large house at the end of it....not bad for a pen pusher!" – An opinion expressed by Akenaton based upon total ignorance.

Here is another example of Akenaton putting words in my mouth:

"Easy for you to say "tough shit", "their problem" and call them apathetic "couldnae gie a fuck wasters", but starting from where they started, you Teribus would be just the same...subserviant and defeated!"

The "tough shit" and "YOUR problem" were dealt with previously, now exactly where did I describe anybody as being – ""couldnae gie a fuck wasters"??? – Easy for me to say was it, Akenaton? – Hardly because I never said it at all did I? Yet another of your baseless little defamations.

Akenaton's priority for his "New Scotland":

It must first and foremost, tackle drug addiction, which has become a National disgrace under successive UK administrations.

Can you tell me why drug addiction in Scotland has not been addressed under Scots Law, which has been completely separate from English Law since before 1707?
Can you tell me why drug addiction in Scotland has not been addressed by the Scottish National Health Service which has been completely separate since its foundation as part of the Bevin reforms pushed through after the end of the Second World War? Funded by Westminster admittedly but administered by the regional Scottish Health Authorities.

By the bye Guest Shimrod, thank you for your acknowledgement on the fact that whereas I might have poured scorn on your ideas, I did not and have not as yet made any personal attack on you in this thread. I also acknowledge that you have admitted that in response to my post that you did personally attack me - Your apology or rather the lack of the same, is of no consequence to me, I shall lose no sleep over it. You on the other hand have to live with your own lack of manners as clearly demonstrated.