The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111146   Message #2404916
04-Aug-08 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Just woke up. Micca is off to TJ Hooker's (JP Thornton's) for breakfast. I have a moment alone - very rare this week --to thank everyone who made the festival happen and then the amazing party afterwards.

Kendall, were it not for your generous friendship, none of this would have happened. Every performer and volunteer goes back to your kindness when I arrived in Maine. Thank you, my love. Even without the leather jacket you were the sexiest man there. Your performance gave a depth of experience and character that brought tears (pure joy) to my eyes.

Our sponsors:
Deborah Coward of TRUBRIT Realty. You and Tom have been good friends for many years now. My home and I will always be grateful for your generous advice and help when no other real estate agent would even answer my emails. You are a beautiful lady and a treasured friend.

JP Thornton's (aka TJ Hooker's) - Tom, thank you for your generous donation and for providing South Portland with good food, great coffee and a friendly meeting place. I apologize for siccing Micca Patterson on you but he is addicted to your Bacon Butties and Reuben Sandwiches as well as your wine corner.

John Mosely of New York Life - your generous donation made the stage possible, the center of the festival. Thank you for your support and for guarding my little nest egg. It is in good hands.

Pam Dodd of All State Insurance - you generously supported our event while handling a few crises of your own. I am grateful for your support and for your years of professional advice and service. Deborah Coward and Jerry Jalbert recommended you when I first moved to Maine. I have never regretted taking their advice.

The Sousas of the Adventure - generous to a fault and always a source of humor, support, practical advice, a sounding board. I never expected to find friends like you this late in life. It is as if I have know you since grade school.

Micca Patterson - the man in the kilt. More about Micca later. But thank you for your generous support.

The Support Network:
Holly - not only was your singing a joy, your unfailing work in the kitchen made sure everyone was fed and no one developed food poisoning. I would love, just once. to see you angry. I believe you must be formidable. Always smiling, placid, and busy doing the practical stuff that everyone else (me especially) shuns. Some day you will come for a visit and we all will wait on you. Thank you.

Linn and Tom - those bi-weekly phone calls to listen to me bitch, vent, and be terrified without having to get an earful of advice or worse yet "You should haves..." were a godsend. Thank you for being such good friends.

Peter and Joann - your generous support with the emails, phone calls, and constant humor were also a godsend. You are genuinely good people. Jacqui and I try to hate Joann for being so beautiful but she is just as beautiful inside and we can't. Peter - thank you for not playing with the rolls.

The Performers:
When this first started the plan was an hour or two of a few friends doing the equivalent of a song circle to amuse ourselves and anyone who showed up. It grew like Topsy when all of you so generously donated your time (read: your weekend). Right up until Saturday morning, Mark was questioning whether any or all of the musicians advertised would really show up. Thank you for making the event happen. In no particular order: Marc Bernier, Roll and Go, Fivebitters, Jeri Corlew (brilliant Jeri),Holly (yes - the voice of an angel - one couple on their way out, turned as you started, husband said in wonder "Wow, she is good", and they stayed to listen),Micca Patterson, Captain Morse, Gordon Bok (holy crap! Gordon Bok!), John Roberts (almost as sexy as Kendall), David Jones (had the audience enthralled), David Coffin (and daughter, Leenia(SP?)) - house concert, please, Barry Finn (brought the house down Barry), Tom and Linn - always brilliant. I don't have the list handy - please tell me I haven;t forgotten someone...thank you all!

Thank you more for filling my house with music and laughter and friendship. I missed most of the fun in the front room. But finally got to hear "Captain Kendall and the Kitchen" performed by Gordon Bok, himself. John Roberts reprised the Indian Neck doowop hour that I missed by sleeping. And then followed it with a blues guitar and song set.

The volunteers with the thankless job of staying in one place while the rest of us mingled. Mike Mushlin from PowerPay especially - thank you for being so generous not only at this event but in everything you touch.
Thank you to all the museum volunteers for your help and infinite sense of humor. Linc and his lady, Kathy, Ann (who thinks she is a longshoreman hauling around heavy tables and the like), Laurel (who smiled through it all), and the poor lady left to work the parking lot (I apologize I don't remember your name. You disappeared too soon).
Becca - thank you. Not only did you spend eight hours at the CD table, you kept the count and the money right.
I am not sure who kept the kitchen and performers' room in shape but periodically I went in to make sure all was well - it was. Thank you.

Hadley, Rebecca and Mark - thank you most of all for allowing us to come and play. I think we have a handle on what needs improvement. But the truth is we really pulled off a very special event. I am sorry you did not make it back to my house to receive a toast. Jacqui and will treasure your gift - a beautiful thought.

Mrs. Morse - I tried so hard to dislike you when you suddenly appeared and usurped the Captain. But the two of us ride the same brand of broomstick. I love you dearly, treasure our friendship and consider you my second-best friend after Kendall. Good work, lady. Your practical approach, enthusiasm, organizational skills, and when necessary bitchiness kept all of us in line and on target. I think we should continue our post-meeting dinners with wine while we plan next year.

That's it. I'm done. Thank you for your attention...OOOPS - thank you to Carole and Andrew for the call from Wales and sharing in our music. Your turn next.

SINS, (Mary Sullivan)