The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111146   Message #2404929
04-Aug-08 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
And Micca:
Crazy man from across the ocean who has shared all of my sorrows and joys for years and always managed to make me smile. Although occasionally I could set him on fire. When Micca arrives, it is as if he never left, He fits right into the strange rhythm of my household, manages to laugh when Alice pisses on his belongings and always has a new song and a new friend to introduce. He brought us Hissyfit - that alone earns him a permanent place in my heart.

Oh crap! I forgot Tami. Forgive me girl - the sensible member of our group who steps in and does whatever has to be done whenever it has to be done...with humor. She too has a broomstick that flies in formation with Jacqui's and mine but she prefers a petrifying glare. Thank you for taking the Travelocity Gnome off my hands for a while - made life a bit simpler. Thank you for being our friend.

Lastly, thank you to Tami's Jason and Holly's Steve for allowing us (LOL) the joy of their company.

Maybe now I am done...