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Thread #113262   Message #2405825
Posted By: Amos
05-Aug-08 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wheels Fallin' Off Straight Talk Express
Subject: RE: BS: Wheels Fallin' Off Straight Talk Express

As I have tried to explain, I welcome your opinions and find them, when I get what they are, to be thoughtful and well-considered, even if they differ from my own. Where I get frustrated (usually not angry, and I apologize if it comes across that way) is where I see facts or communications being twisted one way or another in order to serve the purpose of nullifying or quashing something of merit. I see that a lot in the rightie blogs or posts in the 'Net at large--complete distortions of fact. Your posts, not so much. I woudl say, probably, if you wanted to find people enthusiastic about Obama, you could do so easily.

My own political history is not party driven. I have opposed George Bush consistently, and I have supported several recent Democrats -- Gore, Kerry and Obama -- but not because of their party. I look for feasible approaches to the optimum solution. I would have preferred, for example, to see Dennis Kucinich take the Dem party by storm. But his campaign, despite its scintillating intelligence, never became viable, and I see no sense (unlike GfS and a few others) in supporting a candidate who can't organize a viable campaign. I back individuals, not parties, but they have to be in the race. That's just my personal quirk, I suppose. I actually voted for Ross Perot once. True confession! :D

Barack Obama, in my opinion, is a genuine voice trying to find a working path to unify the nation and steer it toward very positive goals. This is an extraordinarily hard thing to do under any circumstances. I'd rather carry a hamburger into a pack of starving ALsatians. But so far, he's doing it relatively well -- he's putting together plans that make a lot nmore sense than his predecessors, and he's carrying a lot of public enthusiasm with him, and he's demonstrating a steady hand at foreign relations and a good eye on domestic policy issues. In addition, he has a youthful vigor the country needs. As far as I can see he's the best shot we have at making a difference. And I think votes should make a difference.