The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22237 Message #240666
Posted By: GUEST,trucker dave
10-Jun-00 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Talking Casey (Mississippi John Hurt)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mississippi John Hurt's Talking Case
uh, is this the one that was recorded live at oberlin college? I live not far from where John Hurt lived and being from Mississippi i understand most all the words but some of the lyrics other than the missing parts you have written down are wrong. The CD i have is "The Best of Mississippi John Hurt". I figured out several years ago what the missing words were in "Richland Women Blues" because i wanted to play it and the phrase "turkey red roadster with a rumble seat" was sure not something you hear everyday. My elderly father helped fill in the blanks. If it is the same song i can give you the rest of the lyrics. I perform several of John Hurt's songs but "Talking Casey" is just something no one around here would listen to. It seems strange since you are from Germany? and hardly anyone in Mississippi has ever heard of John Hurt.