The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22067   Message #240669
Posted By: Bill D
10-Jun-00 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Dog stories....
Subject: RE: Dog stories....
had an old dog..sort of a terrier/shepherd mix. Needed medicine, but was totally against having pills shoved down his throat. So, we tried mixing them in hamburger balls, but he was too good for us...he'd gulp the hamburger in...roll it around in his mouth, cross his eyes, and *poot*....spit out the pill.

Well, this went on a couple days, and I had an idea, The dog REALLY was jealous of the batch of half-grown kittens we had, and had to be practically held back when they were fed. So...I took some chicken scrap leftovers and began tossing pieces to the kittens. Dog was quivering...tossed MORE chicken to was big eyed & frantic!...then I sneakily just tossed a dog medicine pill into the air near dog...*snap*...*gulp*...pill was gone!...*big grin*..In the weeks that followed, pulled the trick every never failed....he'd still spit it out hidden in his food, but greed got it in him...must be amoral there somewhere.