The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113262   Message #2407289
Posted By: GUEST,J
07-Aug-08 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wheels Fallin' Off Straight Talk Express
Subject: RE: BS: Wheels Fallin' Off Straight Talk Express
>>When we cut the trees they are no longer removing the CO2. We have to wait for more trees to grow.

When we burn the fossil fuels in the interim while the other energy sources are being developed, the trees are still growing and consuming CO2.<<<

What happens when the trees stop growing?

They die and rot and CO2 goes into the atmosphere. Or if there is a forest fire. The trees burn and the CO2 is released into the atmosphere. Eventually, the CO2 from trees, is going to end up in the atmosphere.

Do you feel like an idiot yet? Because you should.

If we leave the hydrocarbons in the ground. The carbon will stay in the ground and the trees will NEVER have to remove it.

Why are you so eager to look foolish. You could be nice about it you could be polite. But you seem to like to scream things that have no basis in fact.

Fast growing trees will remove the carbon, then we burn the trees, or turn them to ethanol and then burn them. If that's all were were burning we could do it forever. Without global warming. That's why they call it sustainable.

Go out and learn something for gosh sakes! Stop listening to the Republican Campaigns. The don't tell the truth. Listening to them will   make you ignorant. You don't want to be ignorant do you? Go out and learn something. Start with basic science.