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Thread #113098   Message #2407501
Posted By: The Sandman
07-Aug-08 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS and competitions
Subject: RE: EFDSS and competitions
as a mature adult,I have entered competitions.
I entered one as a member of the group, The New Mexborough English Concertina Quartet,we were the winners,as far as I know the other competitors,were happy with the decision,no one stopped playing the concertina as a result.
I have [when I had nothing else to do]entered comhaltas competitions I havent been too bothered if I won or not,sometimes I have sometimes I havent,I just regard it as another opportunity to play music[whatIhave found most useful is the preparation,the working on detail of specific tunes,in fact I think that is more useful],than the end decision.
Jim seems to think I am bothered by his comments I am not,as far as I am concerned Jim has no more qualification to judge my singing,than anyone else whose singing I have not heard.,
most Comhaltas Judges that I have encountered[EdelFox who is amighty concertina player was one]had generally favourable things to say about my concertina playing[particularly of airs],its these people and people like Martin Carthy[who played guitar on one of my lps],Lou Killen,Peter Bellamy,whose opinions I value,because they can do/did the business.
if I want an opinion on building I approach a master craftsman,If I want an opinion on bird song I would approach Percy Edwards.
in fairness to Comhaltas their judges are good exponents of thier craft,either good players of their instrument,or good singers.
Jim Carroll has collected some songs,I dont see that that gives him a qualification to judge my singing /concertina playing/songwriting,or any reason why I should take his opinions any more seriously than Pavarotti,Tom Jones or Joe Bloggs.
Comhaltas judges are selected on their ability to play an instrument well or sing well.[as ar as I know Jim Carroll doesnt play amusical instrument and does not sing any more]so what qualification does he have.
all that I know of Jim Carroll is that he used to collect traditional singers and their songs and he used to be friend of Ewan Maccoll,and that he used to be a member of the Manchester Critics group,am I supposed to be impressed?well Iam not ,which is why I dont value his opinion any more than the local dustman.