The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22270   Message #240752
Posted By: Jeri
10-Jun-00 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: Don't you miss
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
Gargoyle did switch names occasionally, and I'm quite sure he's still around, probably switching names quite frequently these days. The above comment wasn't nasty, IMO. "More trivia" - yep.

Browny - I miss the smell of baking bread. My mom used to make it to sell, and everyone who came to the house thought it was wonderful. I just took it for granted.

I miss being young PERIOD! I miss the way everything was fresh and exciting, and how I never wondered what so-and-so really meant by what they said. I miss being able to stay up all night talking or playing music without feeling like a sack of doorknobs in the morning. I miss the way night felt like a secret. I miss rolling down hills and climbing trees.