The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113098   Message #2407797
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Aug-08 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS and competitions
Subject: RE: EFDSS and competitions
No insult taken.
I don't sing any more I collect and research, but I really don't want to get into a pissing competition with Dick as to whose work is the most important - it really doesn't matter (and maybe we'd have to call in an adjudicator to decide!!!!)
Nuff sed that we all try to do our bit.
Dick and I have been arguing for yonks - put it down to our being stubborn old gits.
Nice to hear from you again Mick - are the dancers in your part of the world into the wigs yet; been trying to drive the thought of some of our singers competing in ringlets.
Best to you all,
Jim Carroll
PS Just one more argument and we'll quit - promise.