The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113098   Message #2408306
Posted By: greg stephens
08-Aug-08 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS and competitions
Subject: RE: EFDSS and competitions
Jim and Cap'n: now, never mind the EFDSS competitions. I have been examining a map and the Boat Band schedules, and the nearest I am going to get to you gentleman in the immediate future is Sixmilebridge Festival, Co Clare, in Jan 09.A bit nearer Jim than the Cap'n, but I guess you wouldn't mind a litle hike, Dick? Anyway, I will sponsor the Pan-European Arguing Competition, we will find a suitable pub in Sixmilebridge, I'll stand you each of couple of pints to get you going, and from then on the floor's your own. I will judge the winner, and supply the prize. Costumes etc will be entirely at the discretion of the entrants, so Jim is welcome to wear a ringletted wig if he reckons it will enhance his chances, and as Cap'n Birdseye so loves that kind of thing, maybe a little green dress with leprechauns, bodhrans and Celtic knots stitched on lovingly? As '09 is a bit of a trial run, entries will be limited to Jim and the Captain. If it goes well, I may broaden it out a bit in 2010, and perhaps invite Diane Easeby and Lizzie Cornish.Not sure about suitable trans-Atlantic entrants, Gargoyle doesn't seem to be around much these days. Big Mick's a bit nimby-pimby placatory. Perhaps CarolC or Spaw?
Anyway, Jim and Dick, how about it, gentlemen?