The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2408920
Posted By: Amos
08-Aug-08 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
"Obama's political calculation may be correct, but it still involves a price. It has shattered his claim to be different. It calls into question his political character and leaves the impression he is consumed and defined by ambition."

Anything here that is NOT true?


1. It has not shattered his claim to be different that he is willing to meet people half-way. In fact, that has always been one of the things that was different aboput him -- he ahas continually argued against the "two camps divided" style of politics and the hard polarization made so poul;ar by the Bush Administration.

2. Furthermore, his character is demonstrated by the fact that he said he was willing to "not let perfection be the enemy of progres" and include what he did NOT like -- offshore drilling -- in a package which included much that he did like.

3. The impression of "consumed with ambition" is clearly a projection and not an attribute of the person being discussed, as (1) and (2) above simply disprove the claim.

He has a healthy ambition, but he is continuing to stand for the things he has always stood for while seeking to do some effective meeting of minds across the party divide. Tell me what is so wrong with that?