The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112758   Message #2410260
Posted By: open mike
11-Aug-08 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Open Mike has lost her home and contents
thanks to my mudcat frienda a family
i will now be able to replace my
music system--c.d. player, amps, etc.
will send details of what you helped
to get!!


i found a unit which both plays and
makes copies of c.d.'s a "dual deck"
type affair...this should prove quite
helpful..i plan to reproduce my radio
shows -- i have hosted 2 since the fire.

July's show had lots of fire, smoke, ashes
in the songs,,,and also survival, hope and
remembering to be thanks ful for blessings
we have. Today's show had some songs about
natural disasters, floods, hurricanes, and
also homelessness, and loss. perhaps i will
offer some copies to the mudcat somehow....
we shall see. i do not really havre a home
base yet from which to do such projects...
am gewtting electricity restored on my land
soon and then after clean up can re-turn.

if i can stand is pretty bleak there
with grey and black being the pre-dominant
color scheme, but green sprouts are appearing
at the base of some of the broadleaf trees,
and grapes, bracken fern and bulbs are coming
back again...