The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112889   Message #2410419
Posted By: ard mhacha
11-Aug-08 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: Define: Pincher laddies
Subject: RE: Define: Pincher laddies
Gurney sorry I can`t help you there.
Hobo,I met people from all over Ireland while I worked in England and lots of them while enjoying a drink didn`t always end `washed up` through excessive drinking.
I never met anyone who had to leave because of some crime petty or otherwise, they left because o there was nothing in the line of employment during the mid-1950s and I am speaking of the six counties and such was the situation in the 26.

I worked with English men the majority of whom were the salt of the earth, I had no trouble integrating and attending sporting fixtures with,
lots of Irish men did likewise, I still correspond with two of my cockney friends and exchanged visits with them, because I abhor most British politicians dosen`t mean I include every individual English man, I spent some of the happiest years of my life in England and I would be betraying great friends and workmates if I said different.

Getting paid daily by sub-contractors and working without paying national insurance caught up with lots of Irish `lumpers` who when they could no longer to do hard work were had to apply for relief of the British government,they were the people asking for assistance of the Irish government,I know plenty had to rely on their workmates to help them.

In all walks of life you have to make your way and too bad if you hadn`t the common sense to provide for yourself.