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Thread #113359   Message #2410785
Posted By: PoppaGator
11-Aug-08 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Integrity + Frailty? John Edwards
Subject: RE: BS: Integrity + Frailty? John Edwards
If the sex angle were not disproportionately important in the context of US public opinion, there'd be no reason to start lying. Much as in the Clitnon/Lewinski affair. That makes it difficult to distunguish between "relevant" and "irrelevant" aspects of the scandal.

By the way, when I posted last week, I should not have perpetuated the assumption that Edwards raided campaign contributions for hush money. He's certainly rich enough to have paid that out of personal funds.

If it's true that an Edwards aide fathered the child shortly after Edwards broke off the relationship, I think that tells more about the woman than about Edwards or anyone or anything else.

Since everyone knows all about DNS testing, I doubt that Ewards would be denying paternity if he truly were the father ~ and his former paramour undoubtedly should realize the same thing. I have to wonder whether she went off birth control, or whatever, after being dumped as a way of getting back at Edwards by creating this scandal. Hell hath no fury, right?