The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22285   Message #241355
Posted By: Little Neophyte
12-Jun-00 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: fret fret fret
Subject: RE: fret fret fret
Margo great thread, thank you.

When I am learning a new chord position, even if I am using a fingering that allows me to strategically be near the fret rather than in the middle, sometimes it is still a far stretch for my fingers.
It is a rewarding feeling to know that when I finally do get my fingers to reach closer to the desired fret, the rewards will be a clean, clear note. Being I am playing the banjo, I am not sure how much melodic sustain I can achieve but I will happily settle for being in tune.

And Rick, you are so right, some men press way too hard.
