The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2413560
Posted By: Ruth Archer
14-Aug-08 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Because WAV refuses to be too specific about his beliefs (referring us instead to his website), there is bound to be some speculation here, LittleHawk. But my interpretation, after many months, is:

- England was better before immigration because it was "more English".

- Ideally, the immigration to England, largely by groups of Asian and Caribbean people, would not have happened

- Cultures should not be encouraged to mix, because the indigenous culture becomes "diluted" and loses its identity.

These views, to me, constitute racism. Especially as nearly 86% of the population, even today, is still White British - hardly a case of the indigenous culture being "swamped" by foreigners.