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Thread #113349   Message #2413617
Posted By: Teribus
14-Aug-08 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: War in Georgia (2008)
Subject: RE: BS: War in Georgia
From Little Hawks rather fanciful post.

"Now, here's some info about Mr Saakashvili. I have added some italics to one part:"

Point 1:
"Saakashvili graduated from the School of International Law of the Kiev State University (Ukraine) in 1992."

Question: Were there any others who did this at the same time? I cannot see how this qualifies him, or makes him a desirable candidate for recruitment as an agent, or a spy.

Point 2:
"He briefly worked as a human rights officer for the interim State Council of Georgia.........receiving a fellowship from the United States State Department (via the Edmund S. Muskie/FREEDOM Support Act (FSA) Graduate Fellowship Program)."

Question: Was anybody else ever offered a "fellowship" via this Program? Again, I cannot see how this qualifies him, or makes him a desirable candidate for recruitment as an agent, or a spy.

Point 3:
"In 1995, he also received a diploma from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France."

Question: Does this mean that he also a French agent, or spy?

Point 4:
"Saakashvili was approached by Zurab Zhvania, an old friend from Georgia who was working on behalf of President Eduard Shevardnadze to recruit talented young Georgians to enter politics."

Question: I take it from this that Eduard Shevardnadze is also an American agent, or spy. As of course Zurab Zhvania would have to be too.

Point 5:
"He stood in the December 1995 elections along with Zhvania, and both men won seats in parliament, standing for the Union of Citizens of Georgia, Shevardnadze's party."

Question: How did these men rig their elections? How did they know that they were going to win? Or was everyone who voted for them also agents and/or spies?

Point 6:
"It sounds to Little Hawk as if Mr Saakashvili is a hand-picked agent of the US government, chosen by the US State Department and educated as a lawyer at Columbia, then sent back to Georgia to get elected and then manage that country on behalf of American policy."

More Questions:

- On timeline LH how did the US Government know in 1992 that "The Rose Revolution" would take place in Georgia in 2003?

- Mikheil Saakashvili was not educated as a lawyer at Columbia, he had already graduated from Kiev in 1992, he studied for and obtained his Masters Degree in International Law at Columbia.

- "sent back to Georgia"? According to the Wikipedia entry you have "cut'n'pasted" He was invited back to Georgia by a fellow countryman at the behest of the President of Georgia. How does this get convoluted into his being sent back by the US Government?

- Timeline again Little Hawk, how did they (US State Department) get Mikheil Saakashvili on the list of potential candidates for the 1995 election? When he (Mikheil Saakashvili) left the USA and returned to Georgia, how did he (or the US State Department) know that he would be accepted as a candidate?

- Timeline, how did the US State Department know that Mikheil Saakashvili would lead the group who overthrew Eduard Shevardnadze? How did they know that after overthrowing Shevardnadze, he would be asked to lead? I mean let's face it, left school, studied in Ukraine, went to the USA, arrives back in December 1995. In 2003 he still must be relatively unknown in Georgia.

Very poor reasoning and complete and utter absence of logic.

My other question still stands:

Does anyone have any idea how the mighty Russian Army requires the assistance of South Ossetian militiamen inside Georgian territory??

I have got a pretty good idea as to why and what they are there for. I just want to hear some of the justifications put forward by the "fellow travellers".