The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22330   Message #241455
Posted By: catspaw49
12-Jun-00 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: Thought For Monday June 12: Shackleton
Subject: RE: Thought For Monday June 12
Karen and I really love penguins. We've stood in line for an hour just to get the chance to pet a couple fer chrissakes. Watch all the specials, buy books,the works. Perhaps the most disgusting atrocity man ever inflicted was by whalers who were running out of whales and would net penguins. They too have a high amount of oil. The pictures of monstrous vats of boiling penguins was not without some humor though......Disgusted as I was, I found myself singing "Boil That Cabbage Down" substituting "penguin" for cabbage......I'm definitely going to hell for that one.
