The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113071   Message #2415270
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Aug-08 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: Where have the audiences gone?
Subject: RE: Where have the audiences gone?
"You are welcome to your opinion Jim, but I just have to say, that it is my opinion, that you are a complete prat"
I have been listening to Martin Carthy for a long time; I have always admired his dedication and tenacity and am of the opinion that if others had put in a fraction of the time and energy to folk music that he has, it would be light years further advanced than it is today.
I've met him on several occasions; he and Norma were two of the artists who generously dedicated their services to the Walter Pardon memorial concert we helped organise in London, the proceeds of which went to the folk section of the National Sound Archive.
Whatever my opinion of him as a singer (and I haven't given it here), he has always struck me as being an extremely pleasant and self-effacing performer - certainly not the type of person to throw a hissy-fit at the slightest hint of criticism of his singing.
But there again - he doesn't have to - there are an army of people out there ready to do so on his behalf.
IMO, placing any artist on a pedestal and above criticism shows a deep contempt for them and their confidence in their work.
There have been many people I have admired on the folk scene. I have always been ready to tackle what I believe to be misinformation or inaccuarcy about them and their work, but the idea that anybody who doesn't admire them as much as I do is a 'complete prat' is more than a little immature - don't you think?
Jim Carroll