The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113527   Message #2415456
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
16-Aug-08 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: yodeling and Yeats
Subject: RE: yodeling and Yeats
This may be an amazing mental breakthrough for you Jim -- not everything good in life has to be taken seriously. Really. It is perfectly all right to experiment, have fun, to feel joy, to be silly. Yodeling is all these things.

It was invented by people who were stuck up on a mountainside, guarding the livestock. They had no one to talk to for weeks and nothing to do with their hands. What stood between them and insanity? The chance to experiment with their own voices.

(Something similar is probably behind the unusual features of tin-whistle playing.)

Why don't you browse a few yodels on youtube and see what happens?